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PlastiDip Malta installers, is the place where you can find PlastiDip users that use our products and apply it to cars and more!
Jason - Source-R Automotive
Unit 20 Industrial Estate Luq LQA 3000, Luqa (Hal Farrug, Luqa)
Search on Google: 30 MIA Gate 1 Rd
OPEN: Mon-Fri 8.00-16.30, Sat 8.00-12.00 Sun Closed.
Tel: +356 7984 3204
SPARK GARAGE- San Gwann, Tal-Gharghar
Mob: 99430152
Tel: 27335555
We are looking for Plasti Dippers, wanting to start their own business in Plasti Dipping cars.
Become a Plasti Dip installer...!
Let us know if you're interested, send us an e-mail on:
Send us some info. about yourself and your business it helps if you already have a background of Spray painting cars.
We will help in starting your Plasti Dip business, Plasti Dip is easy to use and can be easily applied to cars in the safest possible method without using knives to cut around edges, without heat guns to remove air bubbles and no sanding is required before spraying Plasti Dip on your car.
Visit How to apply Plasti Dip here to have an idea: How to Do It Yourself
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